LGI Giving Recap
Highlights from 2022
Service Impact Day
On Service Impact Day, LGI Homes closes every office across the country so all of our employees dedicate a full day to volunteering. During this event, each region partners with an organization in their local area to give back to the communities we are building in. After having to cancel the in-person volunteering part of the event the last two years due to COVID-19, we were eager to bring back this annual tradition. On September 22nd, we volunteered for over 7,500 hours with over 60 organizations in 19 states across the country. Below are a few of the ways our teams spent the day:
- In Seattle, our employees cleaned the barn, painted and aided in construction projects for the New Moon Farm Goat Rescue & Sanctuary.
- In Tucson, our local team partnered with the Pinal County Adopt-A-County Road program and cleaned debris on the side of the road.
- In Houston, a team of employees worked with Meals on Wheels to prepare meals and deliver them to the elderly.
- In Minneapolis, we worked with HOPE 4 Youth to build a shed, remove a downed tree and fix the fence that had been damaged when the tree fell.
- In Orlando, we partnered with the Sunshine Foundation to help with landscaping, painting benches and cleaning up playgrounds.
- In Fort Pierce, we worked with The Humane Society to clean kennels, organize supplies and feed the animals.
In addition to volunteering our time, we also donated over $260,000 to the organizations we worked with. Service Impact Day is often referred to as “the best day of the year” by our employees and we look forward to continuing our day of service in 2023.
Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization that is committed to improving communities and providing families with stability and self-reliance through affordable housing. At LGI Homes, we strongly believe in the dream of homeownership and recognize the many benefits that come with owning your home. This year, we were honored to partner with Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County to help the dream of homeownership come true for a local family by sponsoring a full build located near our corporate headquarters. Throughout the construction of the home, departments from our corporate office each spent a day at the build site volunteering and aiding in the completion of the home. We broke ground on the project in March and on September 24th the dedication ceremony providing a well-deserving mother and her three children the keys to their brand-new home.
In 2021, LGI Homes committed to building the LGI Homes Education and Visitors Center at SIRE at no expense to the organization. SIRE Therapeutic Horsemanship improves the quality of life of children and adults with special needs through equine-assisted therapies and activities. The Education and Visitors Center provides comfortable indoor and outdoor spaces for families and caregivers to observe therapy from, indoor areas for medical needs to be addressed, handicap-friendly bathrooms to replace the existing portable toilets and a multi-purpose lounge. The space also has a kitchen, classroom, conference room and office space. We are delighted to share that we completed the build of this new center and opened to the public in October 2022.
We look forward to partnering with many organizations and giving back to our communities through volunteer efforts and donations in 2023. In addition to our annual Service Impact Day, we have already committed partnering with Habitat for Humanity of Montgomery County to sponsor a Blitz Build. With this Blitz Build, we will build four houses in only five days! We are so excited to bring together local trades and achieve this incredible goal.
We are extremely proud of all the work we have done through our LGI Giving initiative. To date, we have contributed over $2.75 million in corporate, non-profit sponsorships and donated over 30,000 employee service hours. We look forward to continuing this initiative and giving back to our local communities in the new year.